The concept of the legislator introducing the legal institute of Industrial injury refers to, namely, such an accident which has occurred during the working process or during the daily rest periods or during the usual itinerary towards the working place.
For the purpose of the successful implementation of a claim under the legal ground of article 200 of the Labour Code /LC/, it is the burden of the employee to prove that they have had a valid labour contract concluded the other party /the employer/, and that the injury itself is a result of a work-related accident as an outcome of which injuries have arised, the character of the injuries and the direct causal connection between the conduct and damage at issue.
The first precondition for engaging the responsibility of the defendant under art. 200 of the Labour Code is the absence of a labour relation between him and the employee. Furthermore, between the parties there needs to be a contract concluded in the appropriate form according to the applicable law /art. 62, par. 1 of the LC/ which is the written form. Something more, it needs to be proved that work has been entrusted to the employee by the employer as well as the factual acceptance for accomplishing it by the employee, accompanied by the rest of the mandatory components of the content of the labour contract.
If You happen to need further clarity on this matter or legal issues arise, do not hesitate to consult an attorney-at-law experienced in the field of Labour law.